Merry Christmas!!!

Merry-Merry-Merry Christmas, dear friend!,

We wish you a Joyful and Merry Christmas and a Peaceful New Year! Let us pray for Peace together, – through the whole coming year! – Let’s make it
The Year of Prayers for Peace!

In the meantime we prepared some our local news and hope you may enjoy reading them and seeing new images…


New Images in all senses… This time we present you a new type of images
Hmmmmm… What?? Wait a minute…What kind of “New Type” can an iconographer talk about, if the whole his or her life has to be dedicated to the main vocation – painting the Face of Invisible God and His saints???

And, yes, – now we have an answer…  For a number of years we wondered about extending iconographers professional possibilities. The question is this –  what can an icon painter paint, avoiding to compromise or disgrace tradition and own skills, but trying to make a new type (genre) of image with different goals and functions.

And we found the answer… simply working with our sketches… The answer can be a GRAPHIC WORK.  From point of view of the materials, it’s similar to the manuscript illumination process, but since we are not obliged to make it a direct text illustration, we may think of a special kind of visual, recalling traditional iconography, but using a slightly different language and pursuing different goals.

These images were painted by Olga Shalamova, – it’s egg-tempera on watercolor paper with some special tricks and discoveries. I also think these images might be great to be printed on paper, – we will publish them on FineArtAmerica. Size of originals can vary, the largest one is about 30 inches wide. We will look forward to hear your opinion about them, – here they are: >>

Saint John the Baptist. Model for Advanced Icon Painting Workshop.II.

Today we have finalised details and now we can to announce the Advanced Icon Painting Workshop in Calgary (Canada), – we have already got some students who signed up for it, – please feel free to register >> (This time we also have a russian version of the page >>)



A reminder to our Australian Subscribers, especially to those,  who signed for the workshop(s) in Melbourne! The first workshop begins on Monday, the 16th of January! Please, make sure you are coming relaxed, fresh and open in your thoughts&spirit, ready for the challenges and for discoveries!

Installation of our collective third exhibition “The Visions of Beauty” is scheduled to be done in the morning on Saturday, the 14th of January. Please, bring your works to participate, – the more and more – the better!


 Some years ago our local art supply stores started selling few pigments from Armenia, produced by a little company named “Agulis Pigments“. We decided to check if they have a good palette and ordered couple of packages directly from them. Couple of weeks ago we got the first package and now we are glad to share such a wonderful source! The pigments are finely grinded, and the colors are beautiful and delicate. The price  looks affordable, – average cost is about 10 euros for a kilo, some are cheaper and some are more expensive. I think the most expensive is about 23 euros for a kilo. There is someone selling these pigments on Amazon, but the cost is way too expensive. We hope you might like what they make, and – they speak and write english! 🙂


Today we just got from Moscow, where we helped installing one more exhibition in “Tsar’s Tower” hall at Kazansky Railway Station. This one is called “Tender Brush” because only accepted participants belonging to the beautiful half of humanity. Here I am posting some images taken during the installation process, so the position of the images and their actual color balance (it’s bad again, I know, the only solution is to come and see the Exhibition) is not 100% corresponding their actual state. This time it’s only about a dozen of my photos. Please, see them at our Flickr: >>


And last, but lot least – some New icons by Olga :


And Merry Christmas again!!!

Philip and Olga


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8 thoughts on “Merry Christmas!!!”

    1. Thank you very much, dear Antonia! We plan to be in Seattle next June, – will be happy to catch up if you have a possibility to come.

      With warmest regards,

  1. To Olga and Philip:

    Thanks for the Christmas greetings. I treasure All the posts, and the perspective from Russia. Your perspective. I’m glad I met you during Ralph Carskadden’s last trip to Russia, in Feb 2010. And so– Happy New Year, and a blessed Christmas to your all– He is born- praise him!

    Mark Miller
    Dec 23, 2016

    1. Dear fr. Mark,
      So great to hear from you and to remember together father Ralph Carskadden! Wishing you a Happy New Year!

      With warmest regards,

  2. Hi Philip and Olga
    When you of the Orthodox tradition celebrate the Great Festivals, A
    Blessed and Holy Time to you both and your family.
    l loved all the Icons but especially the Black Theotokos. So full of love and mystery.

    Looking forward to catching up in January. The Armenian pigments are beautiful A little something from Ephrem the Syrian for you both

    At This feast of the Nativity let each person wreathe the door of his( and her) heart so that the Holy Spirit may delight in that door, enter in and take up residence there; then by the Spirit we will be made holy.

    With Blessings and love
    Carlie Hannah Geelong Australia

    1. Dear Carlie,

      What a beautiful passage from Ephrem Syrian! These words are so serious and solemn, – just tuning us up to a right mood and state of mind (and soul)!

      Looking forward to see you in January,

      With gratitude,


  3. your new icons are so very beautiful Olga. They have a deep gentleness..a special gift I think. Finally had time to sit and wonder at them….such a gift for all of us for Christmas from you both..looking forward to January. Victoria

  4. Thank you for the freshness you always bring to icons. May you both have a very happy New Year with successful exhibitions and wonderful seminars. I wish I was able enough to come once more but I would only be a burden.

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