12th of November 2013

Dear friends,

Thanks God, both groups are going to be good size groups :).
Welcome to see the description page:

Hope November is still a beautiful month for you!  We've got a BUNCH of different news to share - SEVEN!  : )

First is just a reminder about our courses in Melbourne (Australia).
The registration is open.

Finally I made an icon of Annunciation as an example for the course. (Click the image to see the full version).

Second: - Our EXHIBITION in Wesley Seminary (Washington DC, USA) is CONFIRMED!

It opens in the middle of June, closes the 12th of September and the "Artist's Talk" is scheduled to the 15th of July 2014. If you happen to be in the area during this period, we would love you to see our works. Some of them are going to be of a large format and never exposed on our website. Welcome! (More details coming later)...

Third: - We start planning our Iconography workshops for June-July 2014. Now we have two workshops scheduled for sure:
    Workshop in Richmond (VA, USA) - 16th - 20th of June 2014. The model image is going to be Holy Virgin Orante.
    Again we have the "early bird" payment options and the registration fee this time is $200. Returning students registering later, then 1st of February, still do not pay more then $600 for the course.

    The registration is open.
  • Workshop in Wesley Seminary is scheduled for 23th - 27th of June 2014. The seminary and Henry Luce Center For Arts and Religion are located at  4500 Massachusetts Avenue, NW  (Washington, DC USA) and their website is http://www.wesleyseminary.edu/LCAR. The workshop details are coming in the nearest months.

Fourth: We decided to make a short Survey to ask You about Your preferences and thoughts concerning our courses/workshops.
Whenever you have two - three spare minutes, please, visit the Survey page: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ZSJR2QZ


Fifth: Our Friend, Dr. Natalia Pecherskaya, Rector of School Of Religion and Philosophy, asked me to share the program of our joint event, named "Visions of Beauty". You can download description from our website - http://sacredmurals.com/iconstudies/visions_of_beauty.pdf  , email Dr. Natalia: rector@srph.ru , or see the description on Facebook : www.facebook.com/srph3.VISIONS.BEAUTY


Sixth: We have some serious changes in our Website page lay-out and gallery organization. Hope you like the new version : - www.sacredmurals.com (By the way, now you can "Like" us on FaceBook - at the bottom of the page. :)


Seventh - Gessoed Icon Boards - 6 left:

First 6 boards were shipped, but I regret to say that we experience some delay with most of them. I am really sorry about it. Next time we have to find some other way of delivery. Now we still have 6 boards 13.5 X 10 inches (34 X 25 cm) with vertical borders of 1 inch  (2.5 cm) and horizontal borders of 1 1/5 inch (3 cm) wide left. If you need any, please, let us know.


This time we have no new images to share, because we plan to share them at The Exhibition in Wesley Seminary (Washington DC, USA). Hope you can see them there between the14-th of June and 12th of September!


We thank You for Your time and attention to our work!
Hoping to share more news in Advent Time,

Yours truly,
Philip Davydov and Olga Shalamova

P.S. Please, inform us how would you think we might improve, and of course - if you have any questions!