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Master of Arts program in Pontifex University

Icon by David Clayton. The Master of Sacred Arts program at Pontifex University Since July 2018 Sacred Murals Studio started an official partnership with Pontifex University.

All workshops offered by Sacred Mural Studio are recommended for Pontifex University, whether they are taken for credit or for personal enrichment. If you take courses for credit for the MSA program, a typical week-long workshop will earn one credit towards the studio requirement for the MSA. You may need to complete project work outside the class as set by the teacher in order to fulfill the credit requirement.

The students would pay Pontifex University an additional admin fee of $150 per credit hour if they want the credits awarded,

The Master of Sacred Arts program combines the study of theology (primarily scripture and liturgy), philosophy, mathematics, architecture, art history and fine arts. The integration of these subjects in a single program brings to light new facets of each and highlights the relations that exist among the subjects. Thus, students receive a holistic formation rooted in a profound knowledge of each subject. Students who complete the Master of Sacred Arts will be well equipped to pursue further study in any one of the component fields.

Additionally, while the Master of Sacred Arts stands as a complete program, it can be taken as a complement to other fields of study (e.g. education). Students who have already completed graduate-level work in one or more subjects included in the program may seek to transfer credits towards the Master of Sacred Arts degree.

To continue reading and to learn more about the Master of Sacred Arts program, please visit the Pontifex University website page: Master of Sacred Arts Program